Current EdgeServ BOH Releases
- Public App (Stable) - EdgeServ ST 5.34 (BOH 5.34 )
- Risk Level: Low
- Supported iOS version: 14 and up
- Key Features: Basic Reservation and Waitlist, Cash Drawer bill counter, menu export/import,Label Printer,Print Config Revision,Combo OLO
- Public App - EdgeServPOS 3.39 (BOH 3.41) Public App (EdgeServ POS)- 3.2X
- Public App - Supported iOS version: 13 and up
- Risk Level: Low - iOS Printing (Medium)
- Key Features: Printing Improvements (Kitchen,Receipt) - Pre-Auth Improvements - Negative Sales/Refunds - new iOS Settings - Custom Tender Options - Digital eCard Gift Cards - House Account - Order History and Reorder
- * BETA Version - Advanced Custom App 6.09(BOH) 6.09 (FOH) *
- Risk Level: High
- Supported iOS version: 14 and up
- Key Features: Split Tax, AI Reporting,Kitchen Hub integration,Report improvements
- OLD Custom App - EdgeServPOS SV 2.01 (identical as the 2023.2.21)
- Custom App - Supported iOS version: 13 and up
- Risk Level: Low
Pax App
EdgeServ Advanced (parameter app)
- 2024.5.23 - Added Pax BroadPOS tip adjustment workflow - from 5.22 BOH
- 2024.5.21 - Cash Discount leftover balance fix - use 5.22 BOH
- 2024.4.21 - Fixes - use Custom EdgeServ Point of Sale 4.23 or Advanced 5.16 BOH
- 2024.4.20 - ES template push - pinned app - other fixes - use Custom EdgeServ Point of Sale 4.XX BOH
EdgeServ OATT/PATT/CFD for Pax A-series
- EdgeServ POS 2024.4.07 - Improved PATT/OATT/CFD - Required minimum of Beta Advanced 4.08 BackOffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2024.4.11 - Improved PATT/OATT/CFD - Required minimum of Beta Advanced 4.11 BackOffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2024.4.12 - Improved PATT/OATT/CFD - Required minimum of Beta Advanced 4.12 BackOffice to use !
EdgeServ Ordering App/PATT/CFD for Pax A-series (A35 only supported from 3.29)
- EdgeServ POS 2022.1.28 - PaxStore App (Ordering App, CFD,PATT) - Required minimum of 2022.1.28 Backoffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2022.3.17 - PaxStore App (Ordering App, CFD,PATT with texting function)
- EdgeServ POS 2023.3.18 - PaxStore App (Ordering App, CFD,PATT with multiple improvements - Even Split on Payment Screen) - Required minimum of Beta 2023.3.19 BackOffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2023.3.21 - PaxStore App (VPN Support) - Required minimum of Beta 2023.3.21 BackOffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2023.3.29 - PaxStore App (VPN Support) - Required minimum of Beta 2023.3.29 BackOffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2023.3.51 - PaxStore App (VPN Support) - Required minimum of Beta 2023.3.51 BackOffice to use !
- EdgeServ POS 2023.3.57 - PaxStore App (VPN Support) - Required minimum of Beta 2023.3.57 BackOffice to use !
Linux ISO
- NUC10,11,12 - Use minimum version 2023.2.09 or 2023.3.19 WAR files!
- Edgeserv2204_090324.iso - MYSQL workbench fixed again
- Archived ISO For NUC7,8,10,11
- ISO_Dashboard_0126_2022.iso
Updater App (BOH Update/Dashboard Install)
- 1.14 - Use when you need to reinstall Dashboard on existing server - New ISO installs already have it
- AutoUpdater_1.14
USB Backup if not working - New Script